Monday, 6 May 2013

Best Time to Visit Sheldrick Elephant Sanctuary-Nairobi Elephant Orphanage

Best Time to Visit Sheldrick Elephant Sanctuary-Nairobi Elephant Orphanage
(Sheldrick elephant sanctuary day tour trip is a day visit to Sheldrick elephant Orphanage. The Sheldrick animal orphanage is located 45 minutes from the central business district. The Daphne Sheldrick wildlife orphanage takes care of abandoned baby elephants until they can return to the wilderness as independent animals.)

Day Visit to Sheldrick Elephant Sanctuary Nairobi
Sheldrick Elephant Animal Orphanage Day Excursion to See Baby Elephants, Touch the Elephants, Elephants in Nairobi,

Day trip to sheldrick elephant sanctuary timings-opening hours
The Daphne Sheldrick elephant sanctuary is a place where they take care of the baby elephants that have been abandoned by their mothers. The abandoned baby elephants are sometimes rescued from water wells, community pit latrines, or even in the bush lying near their dead mothers as a result of poaching. 

You can watch the elephants as they are being fed with milk formula from feeding bottles every day at 1100hrs to 1200hrs. The caretakers usually feed them on a diet of milk only until they are above 2yrs old. These elephants love to play at the feeding point and also take some mud baths infront of people. The lead care taker will also give you a life history of all the baby elephants that are there so that it can help you in choosing your adoptee.

Day Excursion to Sheldrick Elephant Sanctuary in Nairobi
Sheldrick Elephant Animal Orphanage Private Tours, Feed Elephants at Orphanage, Play With Elephants, And Touch an Elephant

The Sheldrick wildlife orphanage allows people that have adopted an elephant or those that plan to do so, to visit the orphanage in the afternoon at 1500hrs to 1600hrs. This allows the adopting parents to have some extra time to spend with their adopted and also feed them and take pictures with them.

You can adopt an elephant orphan for Usd 50 every year so as to help in his or her upkeep. The orphanage will give you a certificate and a picture mural of the adopted elephants together with monthly updates online on the progress of your adopted baby elephant.

Get more details on how to visit the Sheldrick elephant orphanage and adopt an elephants here: send email here : 

or call Robert Direct on cell phone: +254722661827